
Giant Advertising Balloon

Giant Advertising Balloon has been around since 20 years ago! From lighted tripod balloon stands to giant helium advertising balloons, Playhouse provides a one-stop advertising balloon solution for you!

These giant advertising balloons are one of the most affordable ways to showcase your brand to thousands of people at an event. Our lighted tripod balloon stand serve as a lighted signage display and also as a lighted lamp to attract crowds at an event. With 3 different sizes to choose from, you can now have these advertising balloons that fit perfectly at your event today!

We provide the following sizes for our giant advertising balloons:

Floating Giant Advertising Balloon
Lighted Tripod Balloon
For more information of our Giant Advertising Balloon on Lighted Tripod Stand, go to Lighted Tripod Balloon

Our price is inclusive of delivery, set up, dismantle and collection of equipment. Price is negotiable for renting of balloon/s for more than a month, or renting of 2 or more balloons for your event.

We can customise different shapes and sizes according to your needs. Please contact us and find out how we can help customise the balloon for you!

Terms and Condition

To book, simply fill up the form below with your event details:

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